Tuesday, March 22, 2016


While women usually rock an engagement ring, a new survey shows 5% of men are also wearing them before the wedding. With more jewelers targeting grooms, will "man-gagement" rings become the norm? Is it time men show a symbol of their commitment too?

Men would you wear engagement rings? 

Women would you get your man an engagement ring?


  1. As long as he pays for it too. 😂😂

  2. Engagement rings are becoming less popular and they should be. Diamonds do not retain value and are one of the most expensive items im a wedding. Why fork out so much for something u cant even sell if u need to? Its rexommended that an engagement ring should be equivalent to 3 months salary! No wonder so many men have commitment phobia! On top of that the diamond industry has one of the most diagraceful expoitative histories - often the people and place exploited is africa/Afticans. Additionally the engagement ring of ur dreams is rarly something u can wear everyday and lets face it wats the point of an engagement ring once u r married? So for all these reasons i say instead of imaiating men wear them too we ahould do away with the whole damn thing jor

  3. If he wants to wear one, by all means, as long as he pays born both MINE and his, lol

  4. If he wants to wear one, by all means, as long as he pays born both MINE and his, lol
