Friday, May 6, 2016

Family photos & corpse of Ronke Shonde who was allegedly killed by her husband today!

This is Ronke Shonde and her husband, Lekan Shonde. She was found dead in her home this morning and her husband is missing. He is believed to have beaten her death during a domestic dispute in their home. See her family photos and photo of her corpse after she was found this morning, after the cut. She leaves behind two young children. Please leave! When the man that's meant to protect you harms you, it's time to leave! You deserve to enjoy the fruit of your labour! Your children don't deserve to be damaged.
Culled from Linda Ikeji


  1. Why why why why, endless why do women put up with abusive men...RIP

  2. Why why why why, endless why do women put up with abusive men...RIP

  3. OH my God. But why!!!!!
