Saturday, April 2, 2016

How To Finger a woman (Share with your man) R-Rated!

1. He can't dig in without your permission.When it comes to fingering you, his fingers and especially his finger nails have to be ready. his nails should of course be well groomed all the time, since it’s one of the things we women always look at when meeting a man. It’s unlikely that a woman will even have sex with any guy if he has dirty fingers or sharp finger nails.

2. Let him spend time stimulating you before putting his finger inside your vagina. This may involve touching your mons, moving his fingers in your pubic hair, kissing you, stroking your inner thighs, whispering or saying something that arouses you both, or gently touching other areas of your genitals such as your vaginal lips/labia. Spending time (at least 10 minutes, but more is often helpful) in foreplay encourages your body to release natural vaginal lubrication which can make fingering more comfortable, pleasurable and slippery.

3. Gently insert one finger. it’s wise to start with one finger. It can take time for a woman’s body to produce sufficient vaginal lubrication (which can make fingering more comfortable and pleasurable for a woman), so go slowly. Insert one finger an inch or two inside her vagina and try gently pressing it against the front vaginal wall (the same side as a woman’s abdomen). This area is where the g spot has been described to be (1-2 inches inside the vagina, along the front wall).

4. Explore. Once inside, Let him explore what your vagina feels like. It will likely feel warm and wet and the vaginal walls may feel ridged in places and smooth in others. He needs to assess your reaction. Are you making sounds, such as moans, let him know he is doing it right and you are enjoying it. Give him other non-verbal signs, such as rocking your hips or moving against his fingers.

5. Try different sex techniques, give him feedback . He may try slipping his finger further inside your vagina (He shouldn't go too far unless you ask for it, it can feel uncomfortable for many women. He may want to try a gentle in and out motion with his finger. If you are considerably lubricated, he might try using two fingers at some point.

6. He should gently remove his finger and move on to the next thing on the sexual menu. You might lick his finger and have a taste of you

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