Sunday, July 24, 2016

‘It is True That I Steal But…’ - Boy Chained By Pastor Father Speaks

A nine-year-old boy, Korede Taiwo, who was chained by his father for months, has narrated his heart-rending experience to Punch, revealing the reason behind his act of stealing.

Korede’s father, Francis Taiwo, was said to be the pastor in charge of Key of Joy Celestial Church of Christ, Ajibawo area in Atan Ota, Ado-Odo Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State.

Korede told Punch correspondent that he would not want to live with his father and step-mother again. He also named his father as the core reason for his stealing.

He said, ‘‘I was not fed regularly when I was chained. My father and my step-mother only fed me twice a day. Some days, I was not given any food. I want to go back to school because I want to be a doctor in the future. I also do not want to go back to my father’s house.’’

It was further gathered that Korede allegedly always stole and usually ran away from home.

These acts, made his father to believe he was ‘possessed’ and he started chaining him since January in an attempt to cast out the supposed ‘spirit’ in him.

Sometime in May, Francis was said to have taken Korede to a river with the chain on his neck for a deliverance bath.

Speaking further, Korede admitted that he stole many times in the neighbourhood and also stole a pot of soup in his father’s house.

He said, ‘‘It is true that I stole a pot of soup and bowl of eba in our house. I also stole in the neighbourhood. My father’s inability to give money to my step-mother for the upkeep of the family caused it. But I promised not to go back to my old ways.’’

Korede added that he was a pupil in Onse Community Primary School near Ajibawo, before he was withdrawn recently.

‘‘I still want to return to school. I want to be a medical doctor, ’’ he said.

The face of the Father of Korede Taiwo who was chained for months by his pastor dad. This is pastor Francis Taiwo, 40,m,. He was arrested this morning with the help of members of his church


  1. This hurts so so hurts

  2. I know!!!I cried reading it...sick world!

  3. Like him stealing justifys his father chaining him, i cried bittearly reading this, the sick man or should i say mentally derailed man and his wicked wife needs to be purnished.

  4. His father should be locked up for years... he looks like a mad man sef

  5. His father should be locked up for years... he looks like a mad man sef
