Friday, April 1, 2016

“I see victimization, I see vendetta and I fear” – Veteran Actress Gloria Anozie-Young on Ibinabo Fiberesima

Veteran actress Gloria Anozie-Young is unhappy that Ibinabo Fiberesima is in jail and being “victimized” in the eyes of Nigerians.
She shared her thoughts on her Facebook page recently saying she hasn’t been sleeping well and she has been having nightmares about Ibinabo Fiberesima.
She posted “I haven’t slept well in days…I’ve been having nightmares about Ibinabo Fiberesima being in prison. I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. I’ve read the way some people have lambasted her for having an accident. She’s an entertainer, like me, whose work is to make people happy. She had an accident! I can’t sleep because I see victimisation, I see vendetta and I fear”


  1. She should just shut the f**k up! What nonsense is this?

  2. Gloria have u taken your pills?


  3. Nah sleep no catch am, what if it was her family member that was killed in the accident, will she be saying the same thing. There is cause n effect for everything we all do in life, hence " You Drink, drive and kill? Nah jail " shikena

  4. This woman is a joker. Zero value for human life.
