Sunday, April 3, 2016

Emotional Toll Drunk Driving Takes on Victims and Family

Drunk driving affects more people than just the offender. The consequences of drunk driving extend to other drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and their families. Although the decision to drive under the influence is ultimately made by the driver, friends and family have a responsibility to encourage smart decisions and to help deter drunk driving when possible.

Deaths that occur suddenly for which family members and friends are ill-prepared can be more difficult to deal with than anticipated deaths. Sudden deaths are even more difficult to process when a person is killed violently or in a manner that could have been prevented. Losing a loved one due to another person’s negligence causes strong emotions, especially anger.

There is the emotional trauma to family members and friends who may lose loved ones or have to cope with severely injured loved ones. Family members or friends may also feel guilty for “letting” loved ones drive while drunk, although ultimately the driver is responsible for his or her own actions. We should not ignore the consequences of drunk driving to the driver, however. In addition to possible injury and death, there is the emotional trauma that may occur if he or she causes injury or death to someone else. The guilt can be overwhelming. There can also be legal problems as a result.

If you drink and drive, it doesn't only affect you, it affects your family, victims family. When you are sentenced to imprisonment, your family and victims families also serve with you. I have a friend who lost her husband to drunk driving, he was a business man and was killed by a drunk fellow officer, he would never get to experience his children graduating, marrying and retiring. His wife has been strong enough to carry on, not everyone is strong enough to do so. 

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