Saturday, April 2, 2016

A MODEL has lost 5,000 Instagram followers after posting “honest” pictures showing her make-up free complexion.

London based beauty Stina Sanders has now dumped her modelling agency after it warned that posting “ugly” photos, which showed her acne and eczema, would prevent her getting work.

But after posting uncompromising photos which show her bleaching her facial hair, undergoing a colonic irrigation and attending a counselling session for anxiety, her social media following started to drop rapidly.

In an essay for the Telegraph, Stina said her former agency told her to remove the pictures.

“You need to stop sharing these ugly images,’ they told me.‘You might find it hard to get work if you continue to post images of your acne and eczema.’

“They asked me to take the images down but I said no. Why? Well, every modelling image is airbrushed to an unrealistic degree.

“There's no denying that even the model in the photo can't ever look as beautiful as the model in the photo.”

The model decided to ditch the agency and has now found new representation.

She said: "For anyone who has suffered from a mental health problem, you will understand the stress and agonizing pressure of saving face. This ultimatum pushed me to make my decision. I had to leave them."

Determined Stina, who still boasts a sizable 124,000 followers on Instagram, continues to post untouched pictures which show her hung-over and struggling with acne.

She told the Independent: “I’ve signed with a new agency and they are more than happy with what I'm doing and what I've done.

“They have my best interests at heart and understand that modelling isn't the only thing I want and can do. I present, write and blog, so they are representing me through these avenues without trying to mold me into something I'm not.”

Culled from The Sun

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